We meet so many different people over the years. Some we become close friends with, some not so much, and othere kind of just walk in and out of our lives without us noticng. We get attached to certain people and we share a special bond with them that is unbreakable or so we think. Over the past few days I have learned who my real friends are and who just talk the talk.
It's been a rough and complicated week, but I truely believe there was some sort of higher power in all of this weeks events. Sometimes out of anger and frustration we act irrationallly and do things in haste. We end up doing things we wouldn't do under normal circumstances. (or maybe thats just me. IDK) I have tried my best not to let the petty little things get to me, but I can only take so much. It's hard not to snap when a person is purposely pushing your buttons and getting on your last nerve and there's nothing you can do about it.
It's in times when we fuck up pretty bad and your completely lost and scared when you find out who your real friends are. The ones who really have your back no matter what, and not the ones who say they do and end up being completely useless. We all do stupid things from time to time but when you have friends who open your eyes, and hug you to let you know things will be okay, and go out of their way to help you knowing they too could get into trouble, everything will be okay.
With this said, I have come to the conclusion that maybe its just about that time to cut those other so-called friends out of my life. Why hold on to a friendship that is no longer sturdy anymore. Why invest the time or patience listening to someone who isn't willing to do the same for you? Some may say I'm being a little irrational, but frankly, life is to short, to be wasting time on people you can't count on.
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